Book: On Writing Well
Put humanity and warmth into your writing. People want to read the author underneath
Always simplify. Remove as much unnecessary words as possible.
Assume readers are dumb with very short attention spans
It’s better to commit to something and be vulnerable rather than use defensive, vague language.
Write for yourself. Take pleasure in writing.
When writing, resist the temptation to copy. Stand out and find your own voice.
Writing is learned by imitation.
- It’s important to read great writers, pay attention, and have high standards
Pay attention to how something sounds.
- Reader’s read with their inner ear.
Have a consistent writing voice. Don’t switch between first person, second person, and third person or between different tenses.
Start small. Think of the one thing you want to leave in your reader’s minds.
Expose yourself to lots of stimulus.
Keep a finger on the pulse of society to know what they respond to.
- Ex: Newspapers, Reddit, Buzzfeed, Popular movies, TV shows, titles etc
The ending should be sudden and feel “right”
- Surprise can be refreshing
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